Clementine {a daily painting}


20100308 clementine

Clementine on the Window Sill – 6" x 5" (15.25 x 12.7 cm)


I have been out of commission since last week Thursday because I smashed my middle right finger and then re-injured it again on Saturday {not so bad that a bone is broken but swollen and ugly}. So no typing, no painting, no activity where use of my hands was particularly needed… So I have been reading a lot lately, Carlson’s book on landscape painting and this one on boning up on gardening skills as I am new to having a yard and tending to it.

Last night after dinner I was finally able to put on my nitrile gloves to do a little painting with only minimal annoyance to the swollen finger. The above painting is from a previous painting session as last night’s foray did not produce anything special, except for the heady experience of being in the studio and pushing paint around some. Sometimes these are my favorite times painting, where I am just there to be playing and enjoying the medium, sometimes learning new things, sometimes not.

Have a wonderful evening,
