New Work

John - Day 2
{John - end of the second day with model}

Good morning :)

Here is something new I have been working on this term at the Art League, Sculpture! I am taking two classes with Rick Weaver as the instructor, one is a painting class, and the other is a scuplture class, and this is what we have been working on. A portrait bust of John.

This is my first scuplture class, and so far I am loving it. We are working in clay and on the first day we built the internal armature that holds the clay on the stand, which is built with a plumbing flange and 6" pipe, some armature wire, duct tape, and other misc items, all to kept the clay from sliding down and turning into a heap. On the first day we just built a generic head shape {I forgot to photograph this phase} and then on the second day we began to adjust the generic head shape to resemble the model.

I am hopeful taking sculpture will improve my ability in understanding the figure.

first day

{armature for bust}

Here are some additional views...

John - Day 2

John - Day 2

Elizabeth Floydsculpture