Bountiful Observations {a new series}

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I am so happy to introduce Bountiful Observations, a new painting series, all still-life paintings inspired by the seasons and simple objects found in our everyday life.

Around the time my daughter Naomi was born, I began to develop a concept for a new series of paintings. At first, I was not sure if the idea would be possible because motherhood was requiring a lot from me and I questioned if there was enough time in the week to dedicate to painting regularly. Then as the weeks passed by and Naomi and I began to develop a rythem, I realized that by standardizing the format and size of the series it would be possible to develop a series and debut the paintings here on my blog.

So here we are, the first week of 2012, and I am happy to share with you the first painting of the Bountiful Observations series. Starting today I will offer for sale a framed 8" x 8" still-life painting through an online auction. Each Monday in 2012 a new painting from this series will posted here on my blog and website.