A Sunny Spot {& some good news...}

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 A Sunny Spot ~ Alstroemerias

{6" x 6" (15.2 x 15.2 cm) – oil on masonite panel}
In a Private Collection

Here is a small painting completed in the fall and destined for a special person, so I was hesitant to blog specifically about this painting before now...A friend of mine has a beautiful delft vase, and I have always admired how she has fresh flowers in her home, one day when visiting her home I saw some beautiful pink flowers in the vase {I cannot remember what type of flower} and the color combination always stuck in my mind. So when working on a new setup with these pink alstroemerias I wanted to recreate the same color combination of pink with blue and white.

With painting, I have found some ideas just sit and percolate for years before they ever come to fruition.

Also, I want to share some good news from this weekend. For the first time this year I submitted an entry to the Salon International exhibition to be held this April at the Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio, Texas, and my painting Still Life with Sunflowers and Apples was accepted!

Still Life with Sunflowers and Apples

{24" x 18" (61 x 45.7 cm) – oil on linen}
I am excited to be part of this show and I am planning on attending the opening in April. It will be nice getting back to Texas, visiting with family, catching up with all those that are special to me, introducing Naomi, and maybe getting to meet some blogging friends that live in the area.