My Beautiful Amaryllis


I have a beautiful amaryllis that continues to surprise me with blooms...20130508-amaryllis-blooming

...this most recent beauty opened on Monday.

To have the bulb flower again was a surprise, because it bloomed three times last year, and I thought the bulb was pretty depleted and would need another growing season before it was recharged enough to grace our home with another beautiful flower.

Amaryllis Amaryllis

I painted one of its flowers last year, and this weekend when deciding which paintings to include in my new exhibition, I knew this one had to be part of the show. I just love this painting, for its brightness and free brushstrokes. The reds and greens are so lush in real life and it is a constant reminder of how bountiful nature is when sharing its beauty.

The painting was also framed in a new silver frame, and I really like how it has brightened the whole painting up more, before it had been in a dark frame with a gold lip, very respectful, but now there is a lightness to the way it hangs that I am really digging...

20120127-08 Amaryllis-silver-fram

{8" x 8" (20.3 x 20.3 cm) – oil on canvas panel}
Framed painting

{14" x 14" (35.6 x 35.6 cm) with frame}


This is a painting from my Bountiful Observations series, with 25% of the net proceeds of each sale being donated to the American Horticultural Society.


Amaryllis, 8 x 8 inches