Work In Progress: Ode to Fantin-LaTour


WIP ode-to-fantin-latour-1{detail of Ode to Fantin-LaTour}

Today I have been thinking a lot about inspiration and follow through. I think the creative process is essentially both of these ideas put into action interspersed with times of lull... in that you get inspired, begin painting, and then follow your inclination to follow through and see the inspiration to completion with the inevitable breaks to let the painting breathe and cogitate.

With this work-in-progress painting, I initally had several days of being totally full and brimming with inspiration.

WIP ode-to-fantin-latour-2 {day 1}

WIP ode-to-fantin-latour-3 {day 2}

I worked on it feverishly before leaving for the UK, and since getting back from that trip (almost a month ago now) I have thought a lot about the painting but have not been inspired to return to it.

Not really sure why... it may have to do with the weeks of rain we have been having, which TOTALLY changes the quality of light in my studio, thus making everything more gray and dull.

This painting is all about the sparkle of light on the flowers, the glass vase,  the dish, and the antique sherry glass. I am hopeful that later this summer the sun will come back out for a 4-5 day period so I can return to this painting....