Touch of Autumn, 16 x 12 inches


A Touch of Autumn

Touch of Autumn

Last year was the first time in my life where I really began to appreciate and value the distinctive qualities of autumn. I had lived in the mid-Atlantic for just over ten years and was finally appreciating the change of seas with something likening to excitement rather than just dread of the colder weather to come.

This year, the love of autumn only grew more as I made a point of observing the changes and it was reinforced by Naomi’s obvious love of the changes that were occurring. Her vocal ‘ooooohs’ and ‘awwwwws’ at the changing colors of the leaves… I especially remember her reactions on a bright and sunny morning and the joy she expressed in the glowing yellows of one tree in particular…

This still-life painting is another gather of autumn leaves and berries, full of the colors and textures I am beginning to associate with this glorious season.

.................................... SOLD {16″ x 12″ (40.6 x 30.5 cm) – oil on linen} {22″ x 18″ (55.9 x 45.7 cm) with frame}


Did you know that the Principle Gallery has its own blog? Well it does, and this painting was featured on its blog post about the upcoming Small Works Show here in Old Town Alexandria.

This is one of my favorite blog posts about art in place. I just love seeing how collectors incorporate fine art into their homes.