The Next NGA Copy...

20140403 monet-garden-03{my current copy at the NGA}

Hello there!

As I am more than half finished with the copy of the Artist’s Garden at Vétheuil by Claude Monet, I am in the process of deciding what to copy next… and I thought I would get your input on the next one I choose to paint.

The paintings I am considering are:

1. A Girl with a Watering Can by Auguste Renoir A14224.jpg

2. Mother and Child by Mary Cassatt E11334.jpg

3. Wivenhoe Park, Essex by John Constable A11034.jpg

4. Young Woman with Peonies by Frédéric Bazille E10564.jpg

Personally, I am leaning towards the Renoir or the Cassatt, because Naomi seems to really like these two, and because either painting would be a fun challenge to paint.

So, over to you, which one would you paint and why?