Backyard Idyll, 8 x 10 inches


Backyard Idyll

Backyard Idyll

"Living a creative life"

Shortly after Naomi was born, I came up with this phrase as a way to center my life and help me feel more comfortable about all the new responsibilities I had and how they sometimes would take me away from the studio for extended periods of time. This phrase became my mantra, my inspiration to bring creativity into any activity I happened to be focused on.

By trying to incorporate a creative outlook on everything I did, I was also able to begin to see the beauty in the different facets of my life. To find pleasure and to identify the remarkable in the simple things that populate the daily routine.

As it is summer, Naomi and I have been spending copious hours outside and now that she is older and is better able to entertain herself some, it has been a natural evolution for me to bring out my easel and supplies to paint while she is playing.

This painting was completed on a breezy afternoon while Naomi played in a slip-n-slide nearby. The dappled light of our shaded backyard and the fun she was having turned our backyard into an idyllic place.

...................................................................... Framed Painting: $500 {8″ x 10″ – oil on canvas panel} Click here to purchase ......................................................................

PS. My Painting in the Garden Class starts next weekend, if you are in the area, I would love to have you join in :)

CulledElizabeth Floyd