Camellias, 14 x 18 inches

Camellias by Elizabeth Floyd, 14 x 18 inches, oil on linen

Camellias by Elizabeth Floyd, 14 x 18 inches, oil on linen


Every time I am at my kitchen window, I look out at three new camellia bushes, they bring me so much joy. For several years the view out of my kitchen was plain, then early this spring I realized that I wanted to add some evergreen hedging against the fence opposite my kitchen window, I only wish I had planted them sooner. To me, my expanding garden is one of the deepest felt and enjoyed pleasures in my life. Yes, each time I expand a part of my garden I wonder, why am I giving myself more to do outside when I barely keep up with what I have, but when a new area gets planted, all those reservations go away.

This painting is the first of many camellia paintings to come.


Principle Gallery | Alexandria 208 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 phone: 703.739.9326

Visit the website link to see other paintings the gallery has of mine.