Make Art Everyday in 2019


I want to make art everyday in 2019. This year marks my ten-year anniversary of leaving an architecture career to pursue fine art. I want to do something special this year and committing to making daily art sounds like a great way to celebrate.

This project will be in addition to studio paintings I create, I plan on completing oil-sketches, watercolors, and doodles. The point of this project is to explore and to push myself even when life and health gets in the way. My husband, calls it my focused time for R&D.

In order to make it a more manageable project, I have set up a few ground rules to help keep its scale from ballooning into out-of-control crazy proportions…

My rules are:

  1. Make art everyday. I can use any medium, any size, and any format I want to on any given day. (Even if all I can create is a one-minute doodle due to being sick or having a sick daughter, it counts as making art!)

  2. Do not give up! This is important, because having a daily practice harkens back to my early days when I left architecture in 2009.

  3. I must photograph and share each day’s art. (I will be posting daily on Instagram, you can follow me at @elizabethfloydart, and I will be using the hashtags #makearteveryday, if you want to follow along or join in!)