Happy Valentines Day!

Love-note from Steve, 6x6 inches, oil on cradled panel

Love-note from Steve, 6x6 inches, oil on cradled panel


Do you have any rituals of saying "I love you" woven into your day to day?⁠

My husband sends me text messages with photos of the sunrise from his office window when he has to leave extra early. I treasure these photos and it is one of the many reasons I love skies so much. πŸ’™β 


In celebration of Valentines Day, I painted this sunrise from one of the love-note texts from early January.⁠

❀️❀️❀️Happy Valentines Day! May hearts and love come your way today and all through the year! ❀️❀️❀️⁠⠀

Artwork, landscapeElizabeth Floyd