Pansies with Saucer {a new small floral painting} SOLD

Pansies with saucer

Pansies with Saucer

{7" x 5" (17.8 x 12.7 cm) – oil on linen panel}

This painting is a compositional homage to this painting created a few months ago... It uses flowers that are currently in season, a different saucer, and bottle... however it was an investigation on how to create a new painting with different items and to see how it would change or stay the same.

I think going back and revisiting a lot of the previous daily painting compositions will be a fun activity, so expect to see more in the future.


Also, I want to thank everyone who has signed up for my monthly newsletter. I so appreciate your support and interest in my work.

If you have not signed up, here is more information about signing up for email updates, and here is the March 2012 edition, my first newsletter.

Thanks for stopping by and reading,



P.S. Here is how this painting would look framed...

Pansies with Saucer - framed
(available framed upon request after auction)