Roses by Vincent Van Gogh: Session 5

20140109 van-gogh-roses-4

20140109 van-gogh-roses-4

{my setup at the end of the fifth session}

20130102 van-gogh-roses-3

20130102 van-gogh-roses-3

For this session, this is where I began.

And keeping to my plan to work outward, painting in a very direct manner, I began by fanning out from last week’s session. When working in a such a direct manner, it is especially important to focus on setting up the correct values and building up the texture like Van Gogh did.

20140109 van-gogh-roses-1

20140109 van-gogh-roses-1

Copying this Van Gogh has made me realize how this painting incorporates a lot of the affects of a bas-relief sculpture. The majority of the leaves are laid down with minimal paint texture compared to the full impasto texture of the roses, with the petals being built up in a three-dimensional way.

I have found that even the shadows that are cast by the thick impasto painting play an important part in giving dimension to the roses.

20140109 van-gogh-roses-3

20140109 van-gogh-roses-3