3/4/2021 - Daily Works on Paper


I am still painting and drawing everyday on paper in 2021, I have just adjusted the parameters of this project now that we are entering March. I am using this year to learn how to paint with gouache at a high level, the level where I think I am expressing myself in the best way.

It will take longer than I had initially anticipated, and that is okay, process is very important to my creative practice, so I am choosing to slow down and explore this medium with deliberate intention.

I will share some of my progress as the year goes by here on my blog and also sometimes in Instagram stories. Be sure to follow me on IG if you want to see my day to day creative practice.

For now, here are some things I have been doing to get aquanted with gouache.


Gouache color scales, and mixing charts.


Looking at gouache by analyzing the color temperature, color value and color saturation.