Elizabeth Floyd Studio... details, features, and a giveaway


framed landscape paintings by elizabeth floyd{framed landscapes hanging in our dining room}

Thank you for your overwhelming response to the new Elizabeth Floyd Studio website and blog… I am so touched by your comments, and so appreciative of the feelings and support behind them. I am hopeful that this new site will enable us to be inspired more, to feel like exploring more, and to share more.

I want to introduce some of the new features on the www.elizabethfloyd.com site.

I have included a portfolio page on my navigation bar, and the galleries are organized by subject matter and availability.

The about page will tell you why I paint and what inspires me. The blog is where I share all aspects of living a creative life… On the blog, some of the categories are highlighted on the sidebar, all previous posts are there if you would like to refer back on anything…  the blog list is where you will find all my favorite online friends… The shop page is a place where I share purchasing information and a link to my etsy shop.

Finding me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest or Instagram is now so easy… The symbols are on the right hand side at the top of each page. If you would like to share any of the content from my blog, just use the “share” button at the bottom of each post.

Something I am really excited about are the resources listed under the learn page on the navigation bar. Here you will find an ever evolving list of my favorite art books, information on the private lessons I teach and on the upcoming still-life painting workshop I am teaching in April. With the debuting of this website, I am also debuting a series of online group classes that focus on paint and color exploration. I am so excited to begin teaching these design principles, and to help fellow artists grow in their abilities. If you would like to receive special notice on new learning opportunities please sign up here.

If you would like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter and my regular blog posts, there is a sign up box on the home page and on the right sidebar of the blog page. Existing subscribers have been automatically transferred, so you should continue to receive your blog posts as usual…

I think that is it for the details, I hope it is clear and that you like browsing the site. Please feel free to send me an email {contact@elizabethfloyd.com} if you have any problems or questions…

The giveaway goes on until next week, please leave me a comment subscribe to receive email updates if you haven’t already… The more times I hear from you, the more times you are entered. Thank you for the tweets and the re-tweets… the likes and the shares… keep them coming…

Your support and enthusiasm means so much to me, thank you!


P.S. I have moved my URL, so if you would like to update your feeds and links... my new address is http://www.elizabethfloyd.com/, and the blog address is http://www.elizabethfloyd.com/blog/. Thank you.

And also, I couldn't be happier with the way my new site turned out! Thanks to Leah and R.T. of Leah Creates for my beautiful new website and blog

saying helloElizabeth Floyd