{3} Summer Journal

06 18 09 summer journal 3.jpg
Watercolor & Acrylic Ink in Moleskin Sketchbook


How has your day been? I hope you are having better weather then we are in the DC area. All I can say is that I am tired of the gray clouds and down pours of rain. Today we received a real gully washer, with water starting to back up into my patio because the drains could not divert the water fast enough. My plants are waterlogged and look beaten down some, I am hoping for sunny days.

Today was also the first time to use some acrylic ink I got last month. I used a crow-quill pin to draw with it and so far I like it. Though it would probably read a better if I had waited for the watercolor paper to dry 100% before drawing with the ink. I was just too impatient to wait.

If you have a chance be sure to visit the echoes flickr group, there are some wonderful and inspiring summer images shared there.

Have a good day, Liz